Davonna's Musings

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World Gratitude Day

Several years ago, when a co-worker asked if I wanted to buy a $10 discount card to support her son’s baseball team, …

This week, I’m setting out for six fabulous days with a dear girlfriend whose hospitality is truly out of this world. I …

In December 2021, David and I adopted an eight-week-old diluted calico kitten we named Tipsy (because of the cute white tips on …

I’ve meant to write this blog for a couple of years. As someone who once mistakenly wrapped her identity around her job, …

This month, I did something truly challenging. It was a monumental moment in my journey, and most importantly, it was an honor. …

I recently had a fabulous speaking engagement in Indianapolis with the Kappa Delta Alumnae at their annual State Day. The topic? Confidence. …

As we honor Women’s History Month, I can’t help but reflect on the profound impact my mother has had on shaping the …

Sedona Serenity

This past November, my husband David and I vacationed to Sedona, Arizona. It was a celebratory trip for our 13th wedding anniversary …

Today I turn 40. Am I upset? No. Am I scared? Absolutely not. Am I excited? You bet!! I have unapologetically been …


About two years ago, after bidding farewell to the corporate grind, I ventured into uncharted territory: Pilates classes. I was a Pilates …

It’s the Winter Solstice! Here we are, on the longest night of the year, just a stone’s throw away from Christmas and …

Affirmation Abundance

Happy December, y’all! It’s been almost two years since I left the corporate world, stepping into a solopreneur lifestyle. While the freedom …

This year, I’ve embraced a new term that’s truly taken root in my heart. Credit goes to my dear friend, Jess, for …

In my winding path through the corporate world since 2006, I’ve encountered various managers and supervisors, each with their unique lessons to …

For the past year and a half, my life has been enhanced with the world of Pilates at the fabulous Mind Over …

Unapologetically Sparkling

In January this year, I was honored to deliver my first speaking engagement of 2023 to the Women in Business group under …

Growing up, I was always reminded of the importance of the KISS approach – “Keep It Simple, Sweetie.” On July 12th, we …

A few months back, I had a meeting with my business coach. After diving deep into the progress and dreams of Davonna …

My Resignaversary

It is the one-year anniversary of my resignation from a job I thought would stay with me until retirement. While this past …


I debated on this year’s word… value, inclusive, and manifest were all close seconds. But for 2023 I choose ABUNDANCE. I immediately …

2022’s Word – Unapologetic

I choose this word because I often apologize for minor things… you know, someone coughs or has a bad day… things that …

Childless By Choice

I recently had the opportunity to write an article for the women empowering bookazine, Ziva Voices. I met Dr. Kinga Mnich in …

The Worry Rock

As many of you know, I left a job as Executive Director of an assisted living community earlier this year. Shortly thereafter, …

Take the Girls’ Trip!

I spent last week in Bluffton, South Carolina at a dear friend’s vacation home. We proclaimed this trip would happen months ago. …

Last December, David and I faced the difficult decision of letting our sweet cat, Lacey, cross the rainbow bridge. She was 14 …