I debated on this year’s word… value, inclusive, and manifest were all close seconds. But for 2023 I choose ABUNDANCE.
I immediately associated it with money and resources when I first knew of this word years ago. But I have come to interpret and appreciate its meaning more as I continue to grow and rediscover my actual values, desires, and needs.
In the spiritual context, abundance is less about material conditions and more about an appreciation of life in its fullness and joy. Having abundance allows for the opportunity to share with and help others, create community, and continue to lead through relationships.
This year I intend to build my awareness of the intangible things and create abundance on those core components. What are they? Time, love, contentment, options, happiness, deep breaths, sacred moments, connection with others, and peace. I want my sense of fulfillment to come from these things.
How will I do it? Firstly, I must be intentional. Every. Single. Day. And that is not easy. The mid-last year I started a morning ritual where I write down affirmations, a game day list, what I’m learning, and for what I am thankful. There’s an awesome notebook from Guide Culture that i use. This prompted notebook book helps me put thoughts on paper, which automatically makes me feel accomplished and ready to do more.
Secondly, I permit myself to feel the way I need to feel. For so long, I would often suppress my emotions. But the truth is I am perfectly imperfect. It’s called being a human. And the one thing I am NOT, is my emotions. Emotions come and go like waves in an ocean. The more inclined I am to invite them for tea and see them on their way, the better I feel.
Thirdly, I am very reflective when I find myself judging Davonna or going against my gut. So much of the direction I need to go at any given moment can be guided by my intuition. Yet the voices of corporate culture, conformist worldly principles, and opinions of what others think, well, they want to play over and over in my head. I have to trust myself and be true to the life I have always wanted and imagined.
So cheers to 2023, friends. Let’s live it well, safely, with love, and with ABUNDANCE!