, Volume 2: Life Lessons from Tipsy, My Spirited Feline

Volume 2: Life Lessons from Tipsy, My Spirited Feline

In December 2021, David and I adopted an eight-week-old diluted calico kitten we named Tipsy (because of the cute white tips on her ears and paws, of course). She quickly stole our hearts. Her lively spirit and sweet demeanor breathed new life into our household, and it’s been a joy watching her grow. I wrote a blog about her shortly after the adoption, and through it, she gained more fans. 

So, with great love and admiration for sweet Tipsy, who we usually call “Tips,” here are some lessons she continues to teach us:

  1. Speak Up and Scream If You Have To

When Tipsy wants something, there’s no mistaking her desire—she meows with a passion that ensures everyone knows her needs. I remember the first time I saw her at the humane society; she hissed fervently when I gently placed her under my zip-up jacket. I loved that fiery spirit immediately. David often recalls as soon as that hiss occurred and she ended up in my jacket, he knew she was coming home with us. This moment (and many other interactions with her) reminds me of the importance of expressing ourselves openly. Just as Tips makes her needs known, we, especially women, should not shy away from speaking up when something feels uncomfortable or needs attention. Embrace your voice and let it be heard, no matter how loud it needs to be.

  1. Don’t Hold Back Your Joy

Tips has a purr that can only be described as pure zen. This bariton purr has a visceral resonance, exuding a calming balm of affection, gratitude, and ultimate contentment. Her constant happiness and serene purring create an atmosphere of calm and joy, not just for me but for everyone around her. She reminds us how important it is to embrace and express our happiness fully. She lets her joy be infectious and shares her delight, allowing it to brighten the lives of those around her. Sometimes, the loudest purrs and the most vibrant displays of joy are exactly what we need to uplift our spirits and those of others.

  1. Ask for What You Need – Stop, Plop, and Roll

Tipsy is a master of getting what she wants. She’ll plop down right at our feet and start rolling, demanding attention in her unique way. But here’s the twist: she doesn’t want a pet with hands—she wants “Toe Time with Tips,” where she gets petted with your feet, preferably socked. This ritual has become our grounding time, reminding us to pause and be present. It’s a lesson in asking for what we need clearly and confidently and being present with those around us. If Tipsy can ask for her preferred type of attention, we, too, should be clear about our needs and cherish those moments of connection.

  1. When You Can, Go Towards the Sun

Tipsy has a remarkable ability to find the smallest patch of sunshine in any room. She seeks out that bright spot and basks in it. Her instinct to gravitate towards light is a powerful metaphor for our own lives. Even when things seem dark or challenging, we should seek out and savor the bright moments. She reminds us to look for positivity and goodness in every situation and let these moments of light rejuvenate and inspire us.

In Conclusion of Our Lessons from Tips…

Reflecting on the joy and wisdom Tipsy brings into my life, I’m reminded of the simple yet profound lessons she puts in front of us every day. Tipsy’s daily actions guide me and David to live more fully and authentically, from speaking up and expressing joy to asking for what we need and seeking the light. In a world that often tries to dim our light, let us follow Tipsy’s example—embrace our voices, celebrate our joys, express our needs, and always seek out the sunshine. After all, life is too short not to live it with the same spirited enthusiasm as our furry companions.